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Reports and Data

Data Dashboards

  • CalSCHLS Public Data Dashboards. Examine and graphically display the most recent state and district CHKS results, trends over time, and disparities in survey outcomes across subgroups. Elementary school results can be displayed for 21 indicators for all 5th grade students, males and females, and by participation in afterschool programs. Secondary school results can be displayed for 23 indicators from the Core Survey Module and 12 indicators from the School Climate Module across 11 subgroups.
  • CalSCHLS District Private Data Dashboard. Districts may purchase a two-year subscription to a password-protected, private district dashboard that displays up to seven years of CalSCHLS data at the district level and the individual school level. The District Private Data Dashboard provides designated staff with graphical data displays for the district as a whole, for all schools in the district on the same page to enable comparisons across schools, and for a single, individual school. Results are benchmarked to district and state averages and can be used to examine data trends over time, overall, and by subgroup. The District Private Data Dashboard can be ordered anytime by contacting your Regional Technical Advisor (562-799-5460 or

Available Reports

One of the benefits to California schools participating in CalSCHLS is that a district/school can compare local results with those from other districts/schools and to county and state norms. Such comparisons can help in interpreting trends and guiding program decisions by placing the results in a larger context of what is happening elsewhere. By participating you also contribute to a statewide dataset that can be analyzed to provide insight into broad factors affecting student success that benefit all schools.

Standard district student and staff reports are produced in less than one week for 90% of districts administering the survey online. District reports are publicly posted to this website by the end of November of the year following administration. Parent survey results are not posted on the website.

School-level CalSCHLS reports, including user-friendly School Climate Report Cards (SCRCs), Mental Health Reports (MHRs), and School Boredom Reports (SBRs) may be requested by a district (or an individual school) if its survey includes a sufficient number of students. These reports are not publicly posted. Requests for school-level reports can be made on the CalSCHLS Coordinator Portal or by contacting your Regional Technical Advisor (562-799-5460 or District-level (aggregated) SCRCs, MHRs, and SBRs are available free of charge to all participating districts if the survey includes a sufficient number of students. District-level reports are distributed to LEAs after February each year.

Countywide CHKS reports are generated when funding is available. These are two-year aggregated and weighted reports that encompass all schools that administered the CHKS within the two-year cycle within a county. Countywide CHKS reports are available for the 2015-17, 2017-19, 2019-21, and 2021-23 periods corresponding with Biennial State CHKS administration (see below).

State-level reports

Biennial Statewide Student Reports

Statewide norms in California are provided by the Biennial State CHKS Report, funded by Department of Health Care Services and based on a randomly-selected representative sample of secondary schools surveyed over a two-year period. The Biennial State CHKS instrument consists of the CHKS Core Module and the supplemental module on Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Aggregated CalSCHLS Reports

Aggregated state-level reports are created by combining all the data from all districts that administered a student, staff, or parent survey over a two-year period, because most districts administer the survey every other year. Aggregated state-level reports are provided for the Elementary CHKS, the California School Staff Survey, and the California School Parent Survey. The Biennial State CHKS Report (described above) is used to provide results for secondary students, as the results are derived from a sample designed to be representative of the state. Because not all districts participate in the CalSCHLS system, results in the aggregated reports may not be representative of the state as a whole.

CalSCHLS Topical Reports

  • Marijuana Use Among Eleventh-Grade Students in California. This report summarizes the most recent data about the use, influences, and effects of marijuana use among eleventh-graders in California, as reported on the 2019–21 Biennial State California Healthy Kids Survey. It describes how the frequency of use and popularity of marijuana vaping and edibles is changing in California, and the extent to which current marijuana use, particularly frequent use, is associated with a wide range of interrelated substance use and other problems, particularly regarding learning and behavioral health. This report is a follow-up to two previous reports on adolescent marijuana use based on 2017–19 Biennial CHKS results (Trends and Patterns of Marijuana Use) and (Characteristics of Current Marijuana Users).
  • California Student Mental Health Report Card. Summarizes levels and general trends between 2013-15 and 2015-17 in students' social-emotional well-being, school safety and victimization, substance use, student behavioral problems, learning engagement, and student supports based on data collected from the Biennial Statewide California Healthy Kids Survey and the California School Staff Survey.
  • School Facilities Report. Describes how students and staff rate the quality of their school's physical environment, how student socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are related to their school's physical environment, and how perceptions of the school's physical environment are related to academic performance and school climate.


Factsheets summarize the results of analyses of statewide data conducted on different topics.

Search LEA Reports

Access the search engine to obtain student and staff reports at the district- and county-level for every administration of the CHKS and CSSS since Fall 2007.

Query CalSCHLS

Obtain recent key CHKS and CSSS results at the district-, county-, and state-levels from

Request Raw Data

Raw student, staff, and parent survey datasets are available for analysis by researchers and educators in any data format. Requestors must sign a Memorandum of Understanding that includes assurances of data confidentiality. There are two different versions of the MOU: one for districts and schools, and the other for all others, including County Offices of Education.

Requests for raw data can be made by contacting your Regional Technical Advisor (562-799-5460 or

Other Resources for Data Users

Survey Scoring Keys

Survey Instruments for Data Users